Questions and Answers

1. I am interested to participate in the sketch design competition but I have some queries.
From the English version competition brief
4.8.1. A1-size (594 mm x 841 mm) vertically orientated panels with graphical documents fixed to light and stiff backing boards. The motto must be written in the right upper corner of the panel. It is recommended to leave space under the motto for the panel placement scheme. It is not advised to use backing boards of thickness exceeding 5 mm.
4.8.2. The explanatory note with:
4.8.4. The bound document in A3-size (420 mm x 297 mm) in three copies which includes:
It is not clear the maximum/minimum number of A1 panels allowable, what is the format of the explanatory note, and the maximum/minimum pages for the A3 bound document. Please clarify.
6. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PARTICIPANT OF THE COMPETITION AND QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE SKETCH DESIGN an architect having an academic degree or a second-level professional higher education in architecture and work experience in designing of at least 2 (two) public buildings in the previous 5 (five) years starting from the date of submission of the proposal
It is not clear up to which stage of design qualifies as ‘work experience in designing of at least 2 (two) public buildings in the previous 5 (five) years’.
Must it be finished built projects? Can it be competition entries or unfinished projects up to design development stage?
The amount of A1 is not defined, though should not exceed the amount of 10 panels.
The explanatory note is a part of A3-size document and should cover all topics mentioned in the paragraph 4.8.2. of the Design Programme. In addition to the explanatory note, the A3-size document should contain technical and economical parameters, as well as scaled-down colour reproductions of the A1 panels.
Those 2 projects of public buildings could be both -finished/realised projects, as well as competition entries or finished/elaborated design projects.

2. PARTICIPANT OF THE COMPETITION AND QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED AS PART OF THE SKETCH DESIGN) but does not meet the requirements in Clause 12 (12. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PARTICIPANT’S QUALIFICATION AND DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR THE NEGOTIATION Though, in the clause 6.6.2. it is mentioned that with the participation in the competition you confirm your readiness to collaborate in performance of contract, if you will be awarded the right to conclude the contract

3. Is there an easement agreement signed between the circus plots of land 01000050014 and 01000050012?
There is no easement.

4. I have questions regarding these excerpts from the Competition Brief and Programme:

The Sketch Design includes “The master plan of the competition study area in scale 1: 2000”.
The following evaluation criteria refer to it:
“3. Functional zoning of the competition and study site, organisation of transport and pedestrian flows.
3.1. Rational use of the existing infrastructure when planning the competition object and the adjacent territory.
3.2. Rational organisation of pedestrian and cyclist flows in the territory of the competition object, parking solutions.”

Does this mean that the project must be developed also for the area outside the project territory (cadastral No. 0100 005 0014), i.e. in the competition study area?

What exactly is meant by Clause 3.1 of the evaluation criteria?

Is it expected that visitors’ parking spaces will be located outside the competition project area (i.e. in the project study area) or should they be designed only within the competition project area?

It is not indicated in the Competition Programme how many visitors’ parking spaces should be planned. How many visitors’ parking spaces should be planned, considering that so far the circus has had at least 600 visitors but no parking spaces for them?
According to Section 8 of the Designing Programme “Short-term taxi stands should be planned in A.Kalniņa iela or at least a limited access to the main entrance. In the prospective development of the Competition territory, a pedestrian flow needs to be ensured connecting Merķeļa and A. Kalniņa Streets, as well as access to public transport stops in Merķeļa, Kr.Barona and Marijas Streets” and according to sub-clauses 11 and 12 of 8.1, solutions for organisation of flows in the territory of the Competition Object and the Competition study area should be provided.
Visitor parking spaces shall not be planned.

5. We currently have a problem to get access to an important document of the competition.
Indeed, we have received the IFC document, which is supposed to enable us to see in 3 dimensions the existing building.
But some information are missing when opening the document with the Revit program, we cannot see the whole building in 3D.
As a consequence, it is impossible for us to work on the project.
Would you please send us a completed document or a complete access to it? We remain at your disposal for any question you may have.
IFC files can be opened with Autodesk’s Revit, Tekla’s BIMsight software, Adobe Acrobat, FME Desktop, Constructivity Model Viewer, CYPECAD, SketchUp (with the IFC2SKP plug-in), or GRAPHISOFT’s ARCHICAD. Riga Circus 3D files can be downloaded here: 3D files

6. In reading project data (in Designing programme) there are values that do not seem clear for me.
the data are relative to the spaces defined the spectator area:
What does Spectator area mean?
In the 8.1 -1-2 you have consider the correct space for the people –spectators in the Arena and black Box.
You have already considered in point 9.3 the areas for Foyer and Galleries

I enclose extracts from: Designing Programme, please see:
In yellow I highlighted those consistent in green those that do not seem clear to me
Extrac from:
8.1. Required spaces
1.The arena with a “stage”/place for performance and transformable seats for 600–1000 spectators (for one spectator’s seat ≤0.9 m², row depth ≤ 90cm, incl. 3% of spectator’s seats for persons with reduced mobility), with adjustable place for the show/performance from 10x10m up to 12x12m (suitable for multipurpose use: a show/performance, a music hall, a cinema, a film
production studio, a rehearsal room for choirs/dance troupes, etc.)
~760 – 1040 m²
Spectator area with the performance area and ~1200-2000 m² for spectators use
2. “Black Box” with transformable stands for 350 spectators (for one spectator’s seat ≤0.9 m², row depth ≤ 90cm, incl. 3% of spectator’s seats for persons with reduced mobility), with free ceiling height 12 m (plus additional 2 m shall be provided for equipment and lights). “Black Box” backstage may be combined with the arena backstage. Desired dimensions of the “stage”/performance area max 10×10 m. It is essential that events can be held simultaneously in the “Black Box” and in the arena, without interrupting one another, neither in terms of spectator flows, nor noise level.
~350-400 m²
9. Spectator area: max. number of spectators in the arena depends on its layout/transformability, approx. 800 spectators/in the “Black Box” 350 spectators
According to the architectural solution
9.3. Exhibition area (foyer, galleries) According to the Architectural solution
Spectator area means the Arena/BlackBox with stage or the place for events/performances and spectator (transformable) seats. According to the arrangement of spectator seats will differ the amount of spectator seats.

`Spectator area with the performance area and ~1200-2000 m² for spectators use` – This area is meant for the recreation and communication of spectators.

`9. Spectator area: max. number of spectators in the arena depends on its layout/transformability, approx. 800 spectators/in the “Black Box” 350 spectators. According to the architectural solution
9.3. Exhibition area (foyer, galleries) According to the Architectural solution` – Since Black Box will be a new building volume, the spectator area for recreation and communication will depend on the functional and architectural proposal.
Exhibition area does not have to be a special room/space. Exhibitions could be arranged in the spectator area (incl. entrance hall, galleries, etc.).

7. We are reviewing the source material for the competition, and would like to read the document titled: “5_7_1_development_of_vision_for_new_model_of_Riga_Circus_stage_1.” However, the current English package only contains the original Latvian text. Would there be a possibility of procuring an English copy?
Yes, “Riga Circus strategy overview, short” can be downloaded here: RCSOS

8. Is the strategy document available in English?
Yes, “Riga Circus strategy overview, short” can be downloaded here: RCSOS

9. We are sending four questions about the Competition Brief:
1) It is said that the proposal can be submitted by the association of persons, yet there is a clause that stipulates that the participant must be registered. Does this mean that each member of the association must be registered, yet this requirement does not apply to the association itself? How does this apply to natural persons?
6.2. Any natural or legal person, and an association of such persons in any combination can be a Participant.
6.6. If the Participant submits a proposal as an association of persons, he/she must enclose an agreement or a letter of intent of the members of the association of persons, confirming:
6.6.1. readiness to collaborate in development of a Sketch Design;
6.6.2. readiness to collaborate in performance of the contract, if the association of suppliers is awarded the right to conclude the contract.
6.1. The Participant of the Competition must comply with the following requirements:
6.1.2. the Participant is registered in accordance with the procedure prescribed by laws and regulations;

2) At what stage should the documents verifying the qualification requirements indicated in Clause 12 be submitted? Together with the Sketch Design or after we have won the competition and are invited to the negotiation procedure? There are two different variants in the Brief.
4.1. The proposal of the Sketch Design must be submitted in a single package…
The proposal shall be composed of 2 (two) parts: …
4.1.2. The disclosed motto means (Participant’s application for participation in the Sketch Design Competition in accordance with Appendix 2 and qualification documents in accordance with Clause 12 of the Brief) put in a separate sealed envelope or in a package in accordance with the requirements specified in Appendix 1 to the Brief.
11.4. After receiving the Invitation to the Negotiation Procedure and the Competition Brief, the invited award-winners of the Competition shall submit to the Commissioner their proposals that are prepared in accordance with the requirements specified in the Invitation to the Negotiation Procedure and in the Brief, and which include the documents required for verification of the qualification requirements specified in Clause 12 of the Brief.

3) Is it possible to indicate precisely in which section (Sketch Design/Disclosure of the Motto/ After the Invitation to the Negotiation Procedure) the forms (Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to the Brief) should to be submitted? Some schedules are indicated in the Brief, others are implied, yet we ask you to be more specific.

4) Will the first-prize winner be first invited to the negotiation procedure or will all the authors of the award winning entries be invited at the same time (and regardless of the place they have won will negotiate for conclusion of the contract)?
11.5. At first the winner of the Competition will be invited to the negotiations. If during the negotiations the Commissioner does not reach agreement with the winner on the terms and conditions of the contract, the next highest ranking winner will be invited to the negotiations.
11.6 All winners of the Competition will be provided with equal opportunities for becoming a winner of the Negotiation Procedure and obtaining a right to conclude the contract on the development of the construction design and author’s supervision.
1) The association of persons must submit an agreement or a letter of intent confirming the readiness to collaborate in development of a Sketch Design and performance of the contract if the association of persons is awarded the right to conclude the contract.
The Participant shall be registered in the Register of Building Companies or in the respective authority that registers professional activity in a foreign country in accordance with the laws and regulations of the respective country. This requirement also applies to a member of the partnership, a member of an association of suppliers (if the proposal has been submitted by a partnership or an association of suppliers) or a subcontractor (if the Participant is planning to involve it), that will perform designing.

2) So that the Participants of the Competition could prove their compliance with the requirements of Clauses 6.1 of the Brief, they must submit the following evidence of their qualification and the information together with the disclosed motto in line with Clauses 12.2.1 and 12.2.2 of the Brief.

3) Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to the Brief shall be submitted in a separate sealed envelope or package, indicating on it:
Sketch Design Competition “The renovation of the historic building of the Riga Circus and development vision for the territory” ID No. 2018/1;_________/motto/; adding the text – “DISCLOSURE OF THE MOTTO”

4) After the announcement of the winners of the Competition, the Commissioner of Procurement will invite the award-winning Participants to the Negotiation Procedure in accordance with PPL Section 8 (7) (8): “a public service contract is concluded with the winner of the Sketch Design Competition or one of the winners. If there are several winners in the competition, all the winners are invited to the negotiations.”

10. After studying the programme of the Brief, we had the following questions:
The table of required spaces under No 1 mentions spectator area of about 1200-2000 m². Does it include the same areas listed in Clauses 9.1-9.5, i.e. an entrance hall, sanitary facilities, an exhibition area, a museum and a children’s playground?

Different technical auxiliary rooms are listed in the table under No 10. Does the total indicated area of 200 m² also include the rooms for a water supply unit, a heating unit, an electric switchboard and a server room? Is the area of these 4 rooms added to the abovementioned 200 m²?

The table of required spaces under No 9 refers to the spectator area. I assume that the spectator area has already been included in the area of the arena and the “black box”, 760-1040 m² and 350-400 m² respectively?
The spectator area of about 1200-2000 m² is intended for recreation of spectators at the existing circus arena.
The areas listed in Clauses 9.1-9.5 are located at the “black box”.

The area of rooms for ventilation, heat supply and power supply will be added to the abovementioned 200 m² on the basis of the proposed engineering, architectural and functional solution.

The area of the “black box” of 350-400 m² does not include the commonly used spectator areas, which should be provided according to the architectural and functional solution.
The area of 760-1040 m² is the spectator area of the existing circus arena with a stage.

11. We have some questions regarding paragraph of the competition brief and appendix 4 experience.
“ an architect having an academic degree or a second-level professional higher
education in architecture and work experience in designing of at least 2 (two) public buildings
in the previous 5 (five) years starting from the date of submission of the proposal (a public
building means … of communications and transport);”
In the “questions and answers” on the website ( is stated that competition designs are also allowed. Does this also count for educational / research projects and work experience done for another architectural offices than the one the participant is registered with?
Additionally, it would be extremely helpful if you could further clarify the paragraph below from “appendix 4 experience”. And what does one do if it’s not possible to supply such a document?
“A positive feedback from the receiver of the service shall be attached for an object of each category listed by the Participant to prove his/her compliance with the Requirements of the brief.”
Yes, correct. Competition designs are also allowed. Work experience for another architectural office also counts.
If it is not possible to supply such a document, then you can add the publications about the realized object instead.

12. According to RVCAZTIAN: Microsoft Word 4_2_1_RVCTIAN_MK127_excerpt_of_regulations – Copy
Establishment of yards in the territories with perimeter blocks:
307.1. on the plot of land there is one courtyard at least 136 m2 large, which is not a front yard, and its width in the entire length of the courtyard or the average width of the courtyard is at least 8.6 m, in addition:
307.1.1. the other courtyards in the historic built-up area on the plot of land are at least 70 m2 in size;
307.1.2. other yards around the new buildings on the plot of land shall provide the necessary insolation of rooms and meet the fire safety requirements;
307.6. it must be possible for vehicles to enter the courtyard from the street if required so by the requirements of the State Fire and Rescue Service. If the State Fire and Rescue Service does not require mandatory provision of access to the courtyard from the street, then in the reconstructed historic built-up area thoroughfares shall be preserved as architectural elements with a possibility of restoring access of vehicles to the courtyard.

Question 1: Have you received a request from the State Fire and Rescue Service to provide access to the existing courtyards for rescue services in accordance with the laws and regulations?
Question 2: Is any additional information from “Rīgas Siltums” available about the access to the heat supply networks located in the courtyard or other provisions? For example, access requirements, constraints near the heating main, at the ground level above the heating main or in the air space above it.
The requirements from the State Fire and Rescue Service will be requested after the Sketch Design Competition when the respective idea for construction will be obtained. The entrance to the courtyard from A.Kalniņa iela must be planned.
See technical provisions of JSC “Rīgas siltums” in Appendix No. “4_3_8_Rigas_siltums_TN”

13. First, I wanted to ask whether the city electric box located on the entrance from Alfrēda Kalniņa iela can be moved to a different location.
Second, can the city gas lines running underneath the building be redirected? Must they be kept in the location as is?
Yes, it can be moved to a different location or integrated in the building volume.
According to the Technical regulations of “Rigas siltums”, the District heating distribution (at the moment it is located in the courtyard of the Riga’s Circus) can be changed, but new Technical regulations are needed, though such a decision – to redirect the district heating distribution – should be seriously evaluated before doing it.

14.  Can you, please, send the complete available/latest inventory cases of all buildings with the legend, room numbers and names. The competition materials contain only the inventory case of the main buildings whose cadastral number ends with 001, and it only includes graphical materials (layout of rooms with numbers and squares meters) which sometimes do not show the actual situation (e.g. men’s toilets built in the basement do not correspond the plans), and there is no legend with their names. Similarly, no inventory cases of buildings 002, 007, 009, 010, 013, 015 are available.
The available cases of cadastral surveys of the buildings can be downloaded here: EKUL
An inventory case with a cadastral designation 01000050014007 is not available.

15. We would like to ask you for the english translation of some documents release for the competitors.
At least the following:

In addition, we would like also to ask you for clarification about the following issues:
– The Photomontages
– The 4 images selected for the photomontages are all to used or participants can choose 1 or 2 to present their proposals (1 in each street, p.exep.)

In page 18 of Designing Programme it is mentioned that two different spaces are required regarding Residences:
– rooms for residences;
– the “creative space” of residences
This last type of area is not mentioned in the table of required spaces, which refers only the artists residences (3.) and an entrance hall (3.1).
What is intended to be?
The essence of the Architectural and artistic inventory is included in the Designing Programme.

The summary of the “5_7_1_development_of_vision_for_new_model_of_Riga_Circus_stage_1.pdf” document – “Riga Circus strategy overview, short” can be downloaded here: RCSOS

The participant can choose the necessary amount of photos for photomontages from the selected ones for the ilustration of the proposed idea.

Rooms for residences is a long-term stay in an “artist Hotel” with studio type rooms, but “creative spaces” are foreseen for generating ideas, elaborating them, training for events, etc. Accordingly, “creative spaces” can be integrated in the “training rooms” (No 4).

1) In the source materials of the competition, we did not find Appendix 6 referred in Clause 4.20.1 of the statement of the technical survey (Vol. No. 1) where the calculations of building structures were made for the programme of final elements. These calculations would help to assess more accurately the load-bearing capacity of these structures and the impact of possible reinforcement solutions on the overall estimate.
2) It is said in Appendix 5:
* The construction costs of the renovation of the historic building of the Riga Circus may not exceed 3000.00 EUR/m², but the construction costs of the new building may not exceed 2000.00 EUR/m².
* To take into account the funds intended for thermal insulation/energy efficiency of the existing buildings up to EUR 3,000,000 without VAT, see Designing Programme, Clause 8.10.
Do these costs include only construction or also equipment/furniture (spectator seats, acrobatic equipment, etc.)?
Does the energy efficiency funding of EUR 3,000,000 also include the construction costs of EUR 2000-3000, or do they come in addition?

1) The calculations of building structures can be seen in the file “Report on Construction Calculations”, can be downloaded here: BAA
2) Costs include only construction, excluding equipment. Energy efficiency financing is part of the planned total implementation/construction costs.

17. Should it be possible for the circus school to combine all three training halls into one hall with the same floor level?
The rooms may also be separate. The ceiling height indicated in the Designing Programme is the minimum height required for the particular function.

18. Having read the Brief of the competition “The renovation of the historic building of the Riga Circus and development vision for the territory”, we would like to clarify the following:
1.Clause 6.1 of the Brief lists the requirements that the Participant, including the architect, should meet, i.e. according to Clause, the architect should have (..) “work experience in designing of at least 2 (two) public buildings in the previous 5 (five) years starting from the date of submission of the proposal (a public building means a building where public spaces or spaces for provision of a public function occupy over 50% of its total area, incl. buildings of educational establishments and research institutions; medical, health-care, social care and rehabilitation institutions; tourist and other short-stay accommodation; cultural and entertainment establishments; sports facilities; commercial, catering and consumer services; government institutions, and buildings of communications and transport)”. Whereas Clause 12.1.1 of the Brief lists additional requirements (which may be further specified) that the Participant should meet. In order to avoid unequal treatment of the Participants, the requirements of Clause 12.1.1 of the Brief regarding qualifying documents should have been identical to the requirements of Clause 6.1 of the Brief. The remark that the text of Clause 12.1.1 of the Brief may be further specified cannot be acceptable for the competition of such level. Please, indicate precisely what requirements a Participant must meet in order to qualify for the competition, including the negotiation procedure?

2.Clause 4.1.2 of the Brief leads to the conclusion that together with the application for participation in the Sketch Design Competition according to Appendix 2, the Participant should also submit the qualification documents specified in Clause 12 of the Brief, while in accordance with Clauses 12.1, 12.2 and 12.6 of the Brief, as well as Appendix 2 “Participant’s application for participation in the Competition” to the Brief (which includes the Participant’s declaration) it implies the Participant’s readiness to submit qualification documents in the future, i.e. if the Participant receives an invitation for further participation in the negotiation procedure. Please, specify whether all the documents confirming the qualification of the Participant, listed in sub-clauses of Clause 12.1 of the Brief and all seven appendices to the Brief should be submitted together with the Sketch Design proposal?

3.Clauses,, and of the Brief list the specialists whose qualifications must be confirmed submitting appropriate documents as evidence if they have experience in designing of at least one object that meets the requirements of Clause 6.1 of the Brief. We draw your attention to the fact that Clause 6.1 of the Brief includes no requirements for the object, instead, it lists the eligibility requirements for the participants. So, please, indicate the specific requirements for the objects to have been designed by the specialists listed in Clauses,, and of the Brief.

1.In accordance with Clause 6 of Appendix 2 to the Brief, your qualification must comply with the requirements of Section 6 of the Brief and for the negotiation procedure with the Commissioner you should submit documents verifying your qualification in the amount set out in Section 12 of the Brief.
2.So that the Participant could prove his/her compliance with the requirements of Clause 6.1 of the Brief, he/she must submit the qualification documents and the required information together with a disclosed motto in accordance with Clauses 12.2.1 and 12.2.2 of the Brief.
Appendices 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to the Brief must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope or a package, indicating on it:
Sketch Design Competition “The renovation of the historic building of the Riga Circus and development vision for the territory” ID No. 2018/1;
_________/motto/; adding the text – “DISCLOSURE OF THE MOTTO”
3.The specialists whose education, qualification and work experience in the previous 5 (five) years before the date of submission of a proposal includes designing of at least 2 (two) public buildings.

19. The questions are about the main idea of the project, therefore it would be very valuable if they could be answered by the commissioner-user of the building, explaining his/her plans and intentions (in addition to the explanations and descriptions provided of the existing competition documents).

1) Division of the project into construction stages.
The design task and the appendix “Development Strategy” refer to the division of the project into construction stages. The division into stages is closely related to the plans for attracting of funding. The division into stages would require careful consideration of solutions that ensure the full functioning of the building, both after the completed first stage and during the implementation of the following construction stages. These are very important factors in the historically dense built-up area with the complex functions of the building.
Should the division into construction stages be considered as one of the central tasks of the competition and will it be evaluated as such?
Does the Commissioner have a vision what the sequence should be (the arena/ “black-box”/ training halls/ residencies/ etc.) or should it be offered to the participants at their discretion, taking into account the conditions of funding indicated in the design task?

2) The required spaces/functions of the project.
Are the spaces indicated in the Designing Programme and their areas mandatory and cannot be changed or can the participants adjust them to their proposal, if it is justified by a functional, rational solution?
For example:
a) is it allowed to arrange administrative spaces not as separate offices but as an open-plan office?
b) can some required functions be combined in one room, if it is based on the intensity of occupancy and a possibility to use the rooms for different functions in turns?
Will such deviations be considered reasons for disqualification or will their usefulness be taken into account?

1) In order to successfully renovate and develop the circus building, the division into stages is very important as it is determined by the limited funding in the short term and the unpredictable financial flow in future. At the same time, the overall vision of all stages is essential to implement all the functions in the circus development strategy, as well as to substantiate additional arguments and attract funding.
We expect that the participants will provide clear visions of the division into stages, allowing the building to operate after completion of each construction stage.
Considering the Commissioner’s needs and functionality, the priority would be the operational “small hall” (“black box”) obtained in the shortest possible time, while, taking into account the financial possibilities, the improvement of the energy efficiency of the historic building and its putting into operation is an obligatory part of the 1st stage. As regards the following stages (in the order of priority): “the black box”, educational spaces, residencies, however, the aim of the competition is to obtain the best solution, thus, the participants may offer their vision and the sequence that addresses several issues at the same time or provides other, relevant and reasonable benefits to the project.

2) The designer must be able to resolve the issues that the Commissioner is not ever aware of, therefore, we expect the participants to submit their best possible solution for the implementation of the functions listed in the Designing Programme.
Submitting a well-substantiated solution, the area or functions of rooms may be adjusted to the participant’s proposal, however all functions referred to the programme must be provided.
Comments on the examples:
a) an open-plan office is acceptable, offering a better solution which ensures modern conditions in the workplace, i.e. a possibility to work both individually and in a team, to perform creative and administrative work;
b) combination of different functions in one room, although substantiated by some supposed occupancy, may hamper the operation of the organisation. For example, planning certain functions in the circus arena, which are not related to the operation of the arena or circus performances, poses a risk that these functions will not be regularly accessible or will be regularly interrupted. The solution must be well-balanced, considering the coexistence of different functions and their importance in the development of the sector. We cannot assert that performances are more important than education and residencies, taking into account the fact that these functions won’t have other rooms.

20. Since we just recently had access to the translation of some documents of the competition, and considering that this is an international competition in which latvian and foreign teams should have the same chances, in fair and equal conditions, we would like to request for a postponed of the deadline of the competition, until the end of June’18.
The essential information is included in the Designing programme, giving fair and equal condidions for all participants. The deadline of the competition is 4th of June.

21. I have additional questions about the required spaces:
1. Is it possible to reduce the area of some spaces/groups of spaces indicated in the programme?
2. Is it possible to reduce the number of spaces or not to include certain spaces in the solution?
3. Can several versions of the layout be included in the proposal in order to provide the required spaces, e.g. in the form of schemes?
1./2. Submitting a well-substantiated solution, the area or functions of rooms may be adjusted to the participant’s proposal, however all functions referred to the programme must be provided. (please, see answers to Question 19)
3. Yes, you can.

22. I would like to ask a question about Clause of the Brief: a specialist in designing of building structures having an academic degree or a second-level professional higher education in designing of building structures.
Is it a mandatory requirement that one of the team members is a specialist in designing of building structures or is it enough if there are several qualified architects on the team?
Taking into account the fact that the object of the competition, i.e. the Riga Circus, is an architectural monument of national significance, it is a mandatory requirement that one of the team members is a specialist in designing of building structures.

23. Is it possible to send a 3D model of the structural design of the arena’s dome, the image of which is shown on page 12 of the Designing Programme of the Competition.

The 3D model of the structural design of the arena’s dome is prepared, it can be downloaded here: 3D_kupols

24. We would like to specify the following matters in regard to the Competition Brief:
Please, explain Clauses 12.1 and 12.1.1:
“12.1. The Participants of the Competition who will receive awards and will be invited to the negotiation procedure in order to develop the construction design and perform the author’s supervision, need to comply with the following qualification requirements and have the following previous experience which will be specified in the invitation to the negotiation procedure:
12.1.1. The Participant has experience in developing of construction designs of at least 2 (two) public buildings for which references can be obtained in the last 5 (five) years from the date of submission of the proposal, or insofar as the information about the experience is available taking into account the Participant’s establishment date, including:
– at least one Sketch Design or construction design including landscaping and engineering communications solutions in the UNESCO site;
– at least one Sketch Design or construction design for renovation and extension of a building whose area is no less than 3000 m².”
Does this experience (as mentioned in Question 11 under Section “Questions and Answers”) refer to a natural person and his/her experience in architectural offices where this person is not currently registered or only to a legal entity and its experience? Does the phrase “insofar as the information about the experience is available taking into account the Participant’s establishment date” mean that the experience may be longer than the previous 5 (five) years?
Please, also provide explanations regarding the qualification documents requested in Clause 12.2 and 12.2.2:
“12.2 So that the Participants of the Competition could prove their compliance with the requirements of Clauses 6.1 and 12.1.1 of the Brief, they must submit the following evidence of their qualification and the information together with the disclosed motto:
12.2.2. a list of the developed sketch designs and/or construction designs in accordance with Appendix 4 to the Brief, adding 1 (one) positive reference from the recipient of the service about the objects used by the Participants to prove their compliance with Clause 12.1.1 of the Brief. The reference should include the contact details of the service recipient, i.e. the commissioner or its representative.”
Do all engineers also need to provide a list of objects proving their experience (2 public buildings, as mentioned in Question 18 under Section “Questions and Answers”) with references from commissioners? Or does it only refer to an architect or architects and structural designer?
1. As a Participant of the Competition is any legal or natural person or an association of such persons in any of their combination, which has submitted a competition proposal in accordance with the requirements of the Competition Brief for the implementation of the Sketch Design, a natural person participating in the association of persons may also have this experience.

2. Clause “12.1.1. The Participant has experience in developing of construction designs of at least 2 (two) public buildings [..] in the last 5 (five) years from the date of submission of the proposal, or insofar as the information about the experience is available taking into account the Participant’s establishment date” means that the Participant must demonstrate such experience in the previous 5 (five) years or, if it was established less than 5 (five) years ago, then, as appropriate, as far as the information about experience can be demonstrated since the date of establishment.

3. As a Participant of the Competition is any legal or natural person or an association of such persons in any of their combination, which has submitted a competition proposal in accordance with the requirements of the Competition Brief for the implementation of the Sketch Design, someone of this association of suppliers must have the relevant experience.

25. Some questions have arisen during the work on the Circus competition. We would appreciate if you could provide answers to these questions.
1.Are the windows and balconies built in the firewall legal, considering that in this area the circus building directly abuts on the firewall? (view from A.Kalniņa ielat)

2.To what extent it is possible to interfere, to alter the existing buildings?
3.Which architectural details are the most valuable ones historically and as such should be fully preserved?
1.Windows built in the firewall are not legal.
2.According to the opinion of the SIHP, the primary task is to preserve the authenticity and original substance of the cultural monument, respecting the massing of the building, its spatial solution, original construction details and historic finishes; preserving and restoring the structural composition and basic layout of the building.
3.The architectural and structural image of the dome with its original building structures.

26. Clause 1.16 of the Competition Brief states that the documentation should be prepared in Latvian and English, while below Clause 5.6 states that the documents must be submitted in Latvian or English. So how it should be actually done? Do the materials need to be submitted in two languages or can the Participants choose the language?
Clause 1.16 of the Competition Brief states that the competition materials, i.e. the Brief, the Designing Programme with the appendices, are prepared in Latvian and English.
Clause 4.6 of the Competition Brief states that “All the submitted documents must be in Latvian or English”.

27. I would like to clarify Clause 6.1.3 of the Competition Brief for the Riga Circus sketch design competition:
“6.1.3. for provision of services the following specialists are available …
My question is:
What is meant by “are available”? Do these specialists need to be employed by the applicant’s company or can they be independent cooperation partners (subcontractors)?
For example, architectural offices do not always employ structural engineers.
The involved specialists may be independent cooperation partners/subcontractors).

28. While completing the various appendices to the competition, we have noted that Appendix 5. Costs – at least in its English version – twice requests the indication of the value of the author’s supervision but does not request an indication of the estimated cost of the work, as mentioned in the title.
Please find the document in attach.

Knowing that the schedule for questions may have already endend, please let us know how should we consider the filling of this form.
Correct translation:
Provisional construction costs of the object “The renovation of the historic building of the Riga Circus and development vision for the territory”.
Correct `Appendix 5` document, can be downloaded here: APPENDIX-5

1.As the time is very short, we would like to request, as others asked before referring to the question 20, for a postponed of the deadline of the competition, until the end of June’18.
Next to the the reason questioned in q.20, (recently translation of some documents); if you work international you have to submit it much earlier than latvian teams because of international post/mail/transport, huge package because of the A1 format etc.
Can the deadline be postponed?
2.OR is it possible to deliver via the digital way only? That saves a lot of time and is more secure. In which latvian and foreign teams both have the same chances, in fair and equal conditions.
1.Accoding to the Public Procurement procedure of the Republic of Latvia, the deadline of the competition is the same for every competition participant.
2.You can send the competition entry to your local partner or smb., who will take care of printing the panels, explanatory note, documents and motto, as well as prepare the package of the Sketch Design materials as required in the Brief.